IGP Events

Soundbites and Director's Seminars: Prosperity and the Popular

Wednesday 12 February, 2025 |


E28, Harrie Massey Lecture Theatre Gordon Street (25) London WC1H 0AY United Kingdom

Announcing the Spring 2023 Soundbites and Director's Seminars, a series of public events hosted by the UCL Institute for Global Prosperity.

This seminar series looks at the radical potential of ‘the popular’. The starting point is that by focussing on the social and cultural relations, meanings and artefacts which hold together communities in times of crisis, we can develop critical ideas and strategies that can advance prosperity and inclusion. These perspectives are vital at the current historical conjuncture in which multiple crises are creating the conditions for authoritarian populism to take advantage of exclusion and disadvantage, despite promises to remedy the gulf between ‘the people’ and ‘elites.’

Upcoming Soundbites

12 January, 13.00-14.00: Immediate Theatre: Telling untold stories, Jo Carter (Immediate Theatre)

26 January, 13.00-14.00: Popular culture and understanding prosperity, inclusion and equity: A conversation, Angela Jansen (Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion)

9 February, 13.00-14.00: Embedding culture in planning and sustainable urban development: The transformational power of the creative industries, Tom Campbell (Former Head of Creative Industries at the London Development Agency)

2 March, 13.00-14.00: TBC

16 March, 13.00-14.00: Telling ‘graphic’ stories about climate change: representing lived experience from below, Gemma Sou (University of Manchester)

Upcoming Director's Seminars

19 January, 16.30-18.00: Pass the parcel: prosperity, populism and the anti-equalities agenda, Jo Littler (City, University of London)

2 February, 16.30-18.00: Overstandin: A southern methodology, Jaspal Naveel Singh (The Open University)

23 February, 16.30-18.00: Rethinking traditional markets as provisioning sites in an inclusive economy: insights and contributions from the Markets4People project, Sara Gonzalez (University of Leeds) and Myfanwy Taylor (University College London)

9 March, 16.30-18.00: Glitterworlds: The future politics of a ubiquitous thing, Beckie Coleman (Bristol University)

23 March, 16.30-18.00: Looking for sustança: food practices and food insecurity in Brazilian urban peripheries under COVID-19, Gareth Jones, Aiko Akemura and Mara Noguera (London School of Economics)

Original image by anja_schindler from Pixabay

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