This website takes you on a journey to explore different ideas, different results, different methods, different conversations and different ways of seeing the future of people and planet.
We are not waiting for things to change, we are driving the transformations that will shape tomorrow.
We invite you to be part of that process.
What makes our work different from other approaches?
We use cutting-edge research to explore and refine the emerging models of future societies
We focus on how innovation (social, economic and political) will service social justice, equity and well-being
We are developing a new role for the University through citizen involvement in research and policy development
We deliver globally comparative research that is locally embedded, leveraging shared knowledge to address major challenges
We focus not on fixing the past, but on transforming the future, allowing us to exponentially expand the innovation capacity of research and collaboration
Image credit: Stanislav Kondratiev
"Prosperity isn't just about improving GDP. You also need to fight inequality, promote social cohesion, safeguard the environment, and provide education, health and decent employment, giving people hope for the future. " Professor Henrietta L. Moore
Founder and Director, Institute for Global Prosperity
The mission of the IGP is to rethink what prosperity means for people around the globe. Our vision is to help build a prosperous, sustainable, global future, underpinned by the principles of fairness and justice, and allied to a realistic, long-term vision of humanity's place in the world. The IGP undertakes pioneering research that seeks to dramatically improve the quality of life for this and future generations. Of particular importance to the IGP’s approach is the way in which it integrates non-academic expertise into its knowledge generation by engaging with decision-makers, business, civil society, and local communities.
What we offer
Our work is problem-focused and future-oriented
We break down existing silos in academic research and build transdisciplinary teams to generate fresh and compelling insights
We are committed to research and practice which is inclusive, ethical and just
We value different forms of knowledge and aim to amplify diverse perspectives to challenge conventional thinking and structures of power
We recognise the interdependence of the natural and human worlds and the urgent need to develop social, economic and political institutions that deliver planetary regeneration and resilience